Life Of Pie  

And like I said, I would be back to posting on similar stuff if I ever get flabbergasted again.  []

Yes. Stirred. 

This time by ‘Life of Pie’ – the story/movie. Though I regret not having read the book before watching the film, yet the treat to the eyes and the mind is fascinating.

First of all, the direction and presentation of the movie is awesome. Its catchy, gives a rush in the adrenaline, tickles every human’s dormant dream of invading dangerous adventures, strikes the common psychological chord of animal-man bonding. Add to that, the 3D effects are delight to watch. So, even on a very superficial level, it would appeal to any non-deep thinkers as well as children. Hence, the movie is undoubtedly a commercial hit.  
But, the bigger success of the movie comes from the underlying (in the literal sense of the word) story. [That credit should definitely go to the novel]
For people, who have not yet watched the movie or read the book, ‘ Life of Pie’ is primarily a narrative of how this person,named ‘pi’ survives a shipwreck. He gives two versions of the story of his survival – one story where the main character,Pi comes out brave and courageous enough to kill animals, fight nature, live with a tiger, escape carnivorous island and finally makes it to ashore; the other story is brutal narration of humans turning to beasts at times of crisis.The narrator keeps the question of belief open to us readers. He asks us to choose to believe the version we prefer.

The entire story weighs on  the simple question of ‘Which version of the story you like better?’

The question if we analyze is very straight and simple. It’s a simple choice of which story makes us feel good; the journey through which of the stories keep you alive and sane. If one of the stories makes less sense, the other story gives more reasons to believe. Yet, the simple decision of ‘better’ story leaves you elated; the simple choice of whether the unexplainable non-senses, if provide a deep sense of joy and hope are much more craved or whether reasons and scientific explanations are enough to live with. It’s a simple question of discovering your faith – either in the presence or in the absence of mighty. And the story tells you, whatever you believe is your own personal choice, a choice you have made for your own individual joy, a choice that is much more than good or bad, a choice that you have made for yourself and yourself only – that cannot be imposed or debated with anyone.  

I have always believed myself to be an agnostic, a skeptic believer. I have always believed and still believe, people who do not question before judging or believing are dull, blind. Half of our surrounding population believe in God without knowing what and why they are believing in so religiously. Another very large percentage of our population call themselves logical and discards anything close to god or religion. Either they think they are doing something different,eye-candy or they are just obstinate. Neither of this is a rational way. Either way, you should be knowledgeable enough to answer at least yourself if not others. I have always been lost on this. Maybe because I am gutless to take a leap of faith. But to every agnostics like me who have questioned and whose questions are yet not answered, this story sorts out the voids in your beliefs. It urges you to make your choice and once you have done that, you know a whole new part of yourself.
The important part is if we are answering the question right and if we are questioning our beliefs in the right manner.

The enlightening fact is, none of my previous ideas or beliefs are swayed away, rather, they are better clarified and enhanced, probably, adding new dimensions to thoughts.

One thing is however sure. There are things that are often beyond logic or rationalism yet we indulge ourselves into those things, maybe for the sake of just feeling good or getting peace or keeping sane.[ A silly example can be : crush or love. Many a times, people cannot explain why they are in love with particular someone.] Reason is always important. But there is no shame in accepting that a simple reason can be finding harmless pleasure even if it cannot be explained by science or cannot be concretely felt by our naked senses. Most importantly, it’s a personal choice of your own; a personal relationship that you establish and maintain with yourself.

The beauty of this story is, it gives you the sense of freedom, urges you to choose your path and asks you to share the same sense of freedom with every other being. Had it been that way, it could easily solve so many terror-inflicting, religious wars and misconceptions round the world.

I honestly believe this book can stir a lot of wishful thinkers.  
A must-read and a must-watch!


First of all a great review for a great movie. Secondly, nice summing up the passions that the reader or the audience experience when he/she comes across "The life of Pi".
srijita said…
First of all, Thank you for the generous comment :D
Secondly, share your insights as well :)
saggitama said…
amar bachchta boro hoye geche :P

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