Free flow captain cook namak!!!

Err…thats me

It has a history.

Well, when I was a little kid, one of my elder brothers used to call me by that name. A bit of harsh scolding, few playful pranks were more or less enough to make me cry in front of everyone, regardless of any place & any situation. My brothers n sisters would pull my legs and at each of the funny incidents when I would find myself at loss of words, completely defenseless, those salty little tears would roll down my small cheeks automatically, freely. Hence my name.

But thinking about it, it was way back!

During these days i have grown up, much matured than before, have learnt the few tactful ways of not giving away those silly tears in public. Crying, I have always considered makes you weak and look silly. And yes, I am a strong girl or that is what I am supposed to be. And I was literally over with this ‘silly’ business of ‘crying’, if not completely then at least a major part of it!

But what is this happening with me for a last few days!

1st it started with a kind of misunderstanding with one of my friends. I cried the whole night! Stupid! Then, I accidentally got glued to this soap, “Aap ki Antara” (actually, this kid- antara seems so cute) and eventually that lump melted into tears in spite of a lot of effort. And strange as it is, i myself don't know the reason. Then this story book – “P.S I love you”. I almost had to scold myself for those salty things washing my face…and last but not the least, “Bridge to Terabithia”! Gawd don’t laugh, but yes I cried a lot seeing that movie as well! O_O Shit! I feel so silly…so small! T_T

Someone told me… Hiding is silly. Confessing is brave. So,I am actually trying to be brave u know, I really am! :|


Soulreaver said…
Laugh and the world laughs with you
cry and you break the monotony.

I've a view regarding expressing one's emotions, dunno whether people will agree or not. I think crying is okay [in fact the better thing to do] as long as you don't care about what people think about you. Once we become concerned about what people around us are thinking about us, we get confined within ourselves. "Carrying a smile no matter whatever happens" indeed makes a positive impact about one on another's mind. But that's only momentary. Later on, eventually people think them to be "robot"s [and from my experience, they themselves think themselves to be "abnormal"s] :)
srijita said…
wel, actualy count me in that 'robot' group(if thats wat u call dem :P) i hate to cry..and i am basicaly a 'laughing' person! bt lyk i said b4..mood comes in btw sumtyms! ;)
Soulreaver said…
u gt me wrong.Everybody hates to cry. [barring some exceptions], I dint meant to say that If u don't like to cry(or don't cry every now and then) then u r a "robot".But just imagine a scenario, suppose u've asked sumone that "have you met x? I haven't heard form him for a long time." and u get a reply," He died last year. hihihahahehehoho" wt will be ur view abt that particular person?? [provided that thr isn't a chance of him getting insane from mental trauma!!].

There's a difference between " I hate to cry" and "I carry on a smile, no matter whatever happens around myself."

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