
Weeks have passed; blank word pad glares at me
Writer’s block or the numb vacuum, a feeling of absorbed, engulfed,
‘midst of turbulent sea or a bobbing flotsam’?
‘Philosophy of decay and revival’? a deal or a ransom?
Skyscrapers speak loud yet the broken brick beckons
A whisper touches or is it just the breeze?
Words straight gets crooked in the end
I type fast, delete faster… search in vague, destination abstract.
The colors of life hidden in black and white
Yet the grey patches stand, obstinate; absurd;
Simplicity gets lost in the daily jungle
To err is human and to intricate is intellectualism
To complicate simple matter is intensification
And to simplify the worked-out complications is efficiency!
The vicious cycle of life rolls; the repetitive doldrums takes its tolls.
A cacophonous silence or a silent cacophony?
Oblivious cacophony or oblivion to cacophony?
With that extra effort to hold the effortless smiles,
Do you face the mirror and it stares back into your eyes. 


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