
Back from Puri this morning. And yes! It has been different this time. I have been re-reading Lost Symbol even in Puri, so the book indeed had its effect and it still intrigues me in a certain way (as explained in the last post). 

This time, I spent maximum time in the sea beach, thinking about ‘Lost Symbol-stuff’ (that inevitably leads to by-thoughts of philosophy, religion, culture, creed etc) and co-relating and arguing lot of imagery visions with real life and current happenings, even scientific revelations.  

Somehow, I don’t know what to give credit to or blame on, but somehow something have led me to believe that there are certain things in the universe that is beyond scientific explanation or again as Brown says, science is not yet that advanced to explain it all. 

I mean seriously, how can anyone explain the unbelievable mechanism of the solar clock of Konark! It mind boggles to realize that even in the 13th century scientific perceptions were such advanced, even though technology was not that handy! Along with that, the study of human relations and human mind is also vivid in the artifacts of the Sun Temple. The architecture is not only a proof of the immense ability of our predecessors but also their farsightedness regarding science as well as human philosophy. Just the study of Konark temple, I believe, will take days to fathom the nitty-gritty of this great build. 

This year’s Puri also presented some negative experiences. A little kid drowned, three others were somehow saved by an inch. 

There were other realizations too. The constant question pricking my mind is which job offer to accept. I have this personal preference for one company but leaving behind parents feels so very difficult. In spite of that, I did make up my mind. But suddenly this trip to Puri made me feel like this is gonna be the last trip with my parents for long days to come. Frustrates. 

Overall, the Puri trip this year is precious, with all the realizations, both positive and negative. Indeed it makes me feel, how should I put it exactly, enlightened, perhaps? ;)


Archangel said…
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Archangel said…
nicely written ..... there can be a simple xplanation tho .... maybe the builders that tym had stronger arms and the architects had sharper brains ..... or maybe they had bettr tools which 4 all our advent in technology we have not been able to comprehend ( very less likely ) , or maybe , just maybe they hve in contact with .... outsiders ( get the point ?? this is a conspiracy theory tho ).....
looks like the cool breeze and waves really stirred up ur thots and by the looks of it , judgement .... u have penned them down brilliantly ....
srijita said…
tenkuu! :) about stronger arms and sharper brains, its certianly not a 'maybe'-thing..rather bet on it! ur conspiracy theory is interesting tho ;)
I am not sure probably its too early to comment in this regard but still I could see traces of philosophical engineering in your blogs. I regret that I should have gone through it earlier. The work seemed somewhat original though hesitant in some aspects. Riki, do not refrain your thoughts, let it bloom unconditionally by avoiding confusions. May be someday we will find one more writer in our family.
srijita said…
aww!! >:D< thats a little too generous comment! :) bt i love ur appreciation! ^_^

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