Happy yet bleh!

A whole week of fun and new, un-forgettable experiences! My eldest sister got married last week and this is the 1st marriage where I have been an active participant, helping and enjoying as well as being a keen observer.  The preparation started like six months ago, planning, shopping, organizing, booking, managing…league of events! And when we are talking events, I am always in love with them. Upon that it’s a new thing...so yeah I was hell excited. Felt more so, when everyone started coming back home and home felt like the perfect, chirpy happy nest! 

Starting with ‘aiburobhat’, ‘mehendi-rasm’, ga-e holud, totto, finally the wedding…everything was super-duper fun and worthy!  But I couldn’t curb my inquisitive, sometimes annoying nature! I just can’t stop questioning the teeny-weeny rules that people involved in a wedding need to follow, and follow so strictly!

I mean seriously, why is it necessary for the bride to wear ‘shidur’, ‘loha’? (it started with a demeaning history yet till today it earns respect! Hell why?)

Why the bride has to do a ceremonial ‘namaskar’ to his would be husband? (I mean, Hello? He is just another person like me! You can respect him, but you do have some respect for yourself as well, don’t you?)

Why the bride has to do all those “wreeen shodh / chal shodh” stuff? (So is it still like, daughters are burden to the parents? And if not so, if the society has developed, then why isn’t there any improvisation in the conventional rules? Why is this stereotyped stagnancy?)

Why the bride has to change her surname? (Though, this thing has changed a lot, but it still exists in large!)

Why the bride has to leave her own house? (Someone has to! Agreed! But why is it mandatory for the girls to leave? )

Why parents of the bride cannot have dinner at the groom’s place on the day of reception? ( So its again the same old story! Neh? Konnapokshyo matha nichu kore thako! Be ashamed of your daughter and feel the burden! Horseshit!) And why is it that having given 1 rupee, parents of the bride again can have dinner?!! (Holyshit! It’s insulting!)

Why is ‘ghomta’ so necessary on the first days of a marriage? (Yeah I’m the bride. So? If showing my face is a shameless act, then God forbid me! What the heck!)

And finally, why is my asking such questions generally receive a silent scorn, or a knowing smile?! >_<

End of the day, if you ask me, what is the good thing about wedding, then its the act of togetherness, celebration and fun! Try to dig into its significance and you are bleh! 


Solanki said…
before my wedding, I am gonna edit out the whole ceremony.. the marriage is goin to take place in my way!! B-) dats what i decided after seeing my didis marriage.. ^_^

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