Pre-exam boredom!

Was just going through my old diary pages and boy! I feel like going through someone else’s diary! These two years… and have I changed? Yeah! Loads!!! I feel like I have been a miserable mess of scattered emotions; a rookie struggling in the quest of discovering the world!

Now since semester starts in a few days and I’m bored, so I sit back to reflect…how each phase of our life changes the person in us  :D  specially this college thing got a lot of stuff changed in me and I somewhat feel fresh about it! You know, kinda matured, experienced, no more a dumb, wide-eyed ‘tyro’ at least. B-)

Be it just a nostalgic smile or a hearty laughter on your old immature silliness, diaries are a true treasure…works wonder in your boredom at least! ;)

P.B.S (post-boredom-script): I hate revengeful attitude! >_<   hate you all vindictive morons! 


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