The Transition

Not exactly the first goose bump…but yes! One of a kind! B.Tech 4th year is like the phase where you stand on the verge of your so well-organized, carefree college days; where you get to decide and carve the path for the rest of your life; Six months and you know where you stand; Yes…a rush of something in the mind, down the spine! I know the experienced readers would smirk…the juniors would give a ‘whoa’ and my own batch mates would agree with a sigh! It’s the cycle of life!
The whole idea of campussing, the idea of industry (as presented and as perceived) gives an eerie feeling…a shiver down the spine. It’s like stepping into a new phase…no not where; no not how; no not good or bad; but yet the plunge is definite, defined, how obscure it may seem right now…still it’s obvious. Accepting challenge is the right attitude and of course each and every one of us is looking forward to it. But this is like never before…a real phase of transition…a small goose bump…a shiver down the spine…a butterfly in stomach…a wide eye…and yes! Apprehension!


Soulreaver said…
Its true!! its true... but the only thing is after a few tries those aptisor gds or pi sessions do not generate any kinda butterfly feeling in yer stomach... x(
srijita said…
hmm..yet to see that! O_O
u guys r already on with campussng neh? hwz it goin?
Soulreaver said…
thikthak... onyo years-er motoi!! better than last year obv
srijita said…
This is so weird!! O_O
CTS Fest is also called 'TransITion'..O_O
Soulreaver said…
omens!! xP... btw please accpt my frnd req in facebook!!
srijita said…
ohh oi arnab ta tui! :P bujte parini! XP

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