So much for maturity!!

Now this one is for all the “matured” people who flock around me!

There is an acute difference between being matured and being childish!

Admiring monkeys, jumping on trees, making wings, hogging over pizzas, hip-hopping around, asking for balloons is what u call being childish!

( Though I don’t understand why monkeys become so weird objects for admiring just bcoz u r not in nursery anymore…or in that case why cant those ‘plumpy airy balloons’ be funny anymore bcoz u have started going to college! But still I can understand…that it can seem somewhat childish! so its fine!!)

But Maturity! Well maturity comes with understanding others…with the determination to make your way to help your passion…with the potential to fight for a cause…with the strength to speak your mind, to accept truth, to get your opinions right, to appreciate honesty, to give up pretensions! U r matured only when u are sensible enough to feel others and give them their desired space…and NOT by being complicated!

People confuse complication with maturity! I don’t understand why some people tell me…that I’m actually simple and innocent (haha!!)..hence immature! And they claim to have seen the world…having gathered experience and blah blah blah!

But isn’t life really simple? Iz people who create complexity! And if just one can sense the upcoming complexity…then isn’t it his/her duty to simplify and settle matters! But in real life, the so called ‘matured’ people hold their ego, making things even more complex…and repenting how complex life is! And if someone by chance shows them a simpler way…den of course u r d most immature of the lot!

Actually, some

of my college friends and also some others think I am immatured. And for the past few days I heard it so many times from so many different sources that I thought why not find it out myself. Though most of my closest friends think I am just childish sometimes! And NOT immature! \m/

So I did think about it…and I realize I’m really very happy the way I am! ^_^


Soulreaver said…
First of all, thanks for being patient enough to tolerate my meaningless blabbering. :)

I have later realized that, some people simply never grow up. Its just their outer shells that adapt with the surroundings and "grows up" while their core remains soft forever. I have gave up the hope as I felt that I am fortunate to have such a core. Children find colors in black and white negatives, adults make colorful pictures faded into black and white. :)

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