25/08/2009…okay this day was something!
Initially the day started with a fight. No! I was not the one fighting but the anxiety and excitement flows automatically when u see two of
ur classmates kicking and punching each other like hell!! One of them was afterwards summoned by the authority and suspended I guess!(coz he was nowhere to be seen). Then came our seniors…for the past 2-3 days, a big deal is made out of ragging..err.. ‘interaction’! As far as the story goes, no one from our class ragged anyone still complaints against some guys have been lodged and the anti-ragging committee is about to take some stern decisions against them! So the whole department is one heated explosive bomb ready to burst anytime. To add a twist to the tale, it is suspected that one of the guys from our class only has prepared such false complaints…so u can understand the additional strong under-current flowing! The seniors continued to venture our class every now n then…and we were informed about certain restrictions imposed on us as well as the 1st years….like no interaction and on their part, no loitering in the ground or going to canteen and not even toilet! (Though the toilet thing seems to be a joke!) Next we had a software lab..but there was some power-problem and we were asked to wait in the classroom…then after almost 1 hour, we were asked to attend the lab but the call somehow did not affect the gossipy-idly mood of the class. Suddenly the authority came and shouted. (And when he shouts, everyone gets dumb and numb) and as a punishment, we were not allowed to leave the lab before 6.30!( the usual time being 5.30) As if it was not enough, semester result was out in the middle f this. Tension flowed. 'W-butt' site was equipped enough to display “service unavailable” on each click of a mouse! Then the result I got was stunning enough and I could view it after battling for ‘pakka’ 2hours! Then after checking some of my friends’ results, the clock said 11.00p.m!!! and thus came the end!! God! Wat a day! O_O


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