poli-ticks-time !!!

Heyy ! I am 18+ and this is the first time I would vote in an election ! exciting????

Well… I find everyone round me to be very excited… like my friends asking “ got ur voter-id card?”… “dint get?! ..ehhe..poor luck”. Elders saying, “ so…1st tym voting…my little responsible citizen??” and etc etc…and so I declare that I am a proud owner of this thing called ‘voter-id’ !

So Q. arises……how much difference would my single vote make???...but again if everybody starts thinking like that…it wont be of any good !! So I will vote !

But I hate politics.. I hate it in any form…I hate country politics…I hate cricket politics..i hate office politics…I hate canteen politics….i hate politics !!!! and I hate politicians even more !!

Then Q. arises….whom to vote???....may be the best looking symbol on the ballot-sheet!.. but that’s not how responsible, above -18 people should behave !!! isn’t it??

Hence Qs. loom large over elections !!

I like several rules and ‘-isms’… like I appreciate the basic concept of Marxism which offers social change and anti-capitalism…uniform distribution of capitals among every strata of the society !! Marxism holds strong opinions against capitalism, communism, alienation, slavery , feudalism , dictatorship…etc !

I do love every bit of the concepts of this political philosophy…but only in theoretical means… in practice… capitalism still exist ( check the foot-paths full of home-less people ), slavery is in vogue, existence of communalism do not need extra examples…wars and religious tensions speak for themselves , dictatorship is all over….u speak against ur dictator ( which should be allowed…since u call it a democratic country ! ), and u r a toast next day !!

I appreciate the concepts of Libertarianism and Socialism....but of course in the right sense ! Following liberalism should not mean crossing the line and same way, following socialism should not mean that we should stick to what ‘our’ society has in it, shutting all the doors towards globalization ! The same reason why Communitarianism do not appeal to me much…though I do respect the fact of valuing our traditions and ethics… but refusing to look beyond the narrow domain of singular culture and civilization is not really worthwhile.

So the political philosophical books are so very appreciable but where is the right spirit in practice???? Its always in the long speeches given by political leaders, in the interviews published in newspapers, in the posters and hoardings, in the round-table conferences.. but where is it in practical life??? !!

So back to the old word…..hypocrisy !!!

Hmph!!Seems like…I am having serious problem with this word !!!!


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