O yaa!!

Did it!

Guess wat!... I set this weird goal for myself..i.e, not to come online for 1 whole week!! And yesss!! I did it!! :)

Lot of my friends asked me to explain y I got dis crazy thing in my mind suddenly!!!

For the people who kno me longer & better…they kno having crazy things in my mind is nothing new….and for the others…lemme blog it down! :P

Itz a total cranky goal to set….i agree…but net had become an obsession for me these days…I used to be glued to net every single minute I managed to get! And I promised to get over this addiction no matter what!

The other reason for me to set this goal was…I decided to check if I can control myself and can hold my determination to the end! :)

It wasn’t easy u kno!! :P

Every time my eyes fell on my ‘fav. Compuu’…my hands itched!!! :P

It was even tougher when I did some other work on my PC without connecting to the modem!...oops…I had a feeling!....the orkut scraps…the gtalk ‘ting’s…the gmail inbox…this blog of mine…the updated softwares…the online games & puzzles…ebooks…ahem ahem! !! !

But it feels so great now…u kno...like u get a nice confidence on urslf…okay, so I CAN do it if I really want to do sumthing!!! And it is a really nice way to help u moving on….

Hmmm…lemme think wat new goal I can set now…thinking of taking up a more serious and tougher one this tym!!!...watsay?! :)


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