tHe JoYrIdE!!!!

Our 1st trip from college……!!! Are you asking me if I enjoyed

it or not!? Lemme tell you, had the time of my life!!! Everything...starting from talking to teachers…booking trip-bus…collecting money…arranging food-stuff….to seeking permission from administration…it was total fun!

We went to Jharkhali…nearby Sundarban! It took almost 5hrs to reach

our destination…it was like we all went mad …we were more jumping than dancing in the bus…then shouting gibberish…(no doubt , I have a croaky throat now!)

Adding to that, the unending series of funny incidents....small

spiders flowing inside the bus from roadside bushy trees…a lorry blocking the way…and we pushing it… ‘de taali’ guys dancing round the bus…cooking oil floating down the bus-floor…well...the story continued!!!

Jharkhali is beside Matla River…and the place is simply awesome. The river side is so peaceful and can just sit there, admiring the place…the other side of the river shows dense forest...and we were told, tigers do come from that side, swimming down the river…The Royal Bengal Tigers…ahem ahem!!!

We could see a hell lot of jelly fishes and yes… a kind of crocodile, called ‘ka

mot’…! There was a watch tower…we played lot of indoor games… did lot of ‘adda-ing’ there! We played football.. yeah..we the gals also..okay that was a kind of comedy..but still.. it was fun! Then dodge ball…throw ball…dumbcharade( and akp sir gave me such a strange pick !)… we tried lo

t of tricks on the ‘swings and slips’ there…and did I mention the monkeys???!! One of them even pulled one of my classmates’ ‘chunni’…cho chweeet na?! heehee!!.....

But thats not the end, mind you…the return journey was equally fun…if not more! We chatted a lottttttttt with akp sir and then all the cracked friends of mine carried on some hilarious rounds of mimicry!

They even imitated the teachers present there...and the teachers had a good laugh over it!!!!! All the teachers..Akp, Sum, Ab, Bm ….were sooo was amazing… we never ever dreamt that these sirs and mams can b soo cool…that they danced…cracked jokes (even d ‘hatke’ ones!)…and they even imitated some of the other teachers…I could not decide..they were teachers or friends…….…they were just one of us!!!

The trip was not only fun…it was more than that…it was not only the 1st trip from our college…but we got a quality time to spend with each other 4 d whole day…and mostly…we developed a strange sweet bond with the teachers! to know them beyond their teacher-ly faces…!!

And it was all possible for Akp Sir…O! yaayyyy!!!!He Rockzzzzz!!


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