
Whew! Does anyone know how it is when you get re-united with your old love?! Well, that is the same feeling I had this time when I landed up in shillong…catching up with my old love ( one of them that is :P )…the mountains!!!! And what scenic beauty man! I was lef

t speechless…its beautiful!!!

1st Jan tension

we would just start packing that the news channel flashed – “three continuous bomb-blasts in Guwahati”! we were taken aback! It was so disturbing! I was really like ‘damn them man!’I was very sad, disappointed and equally angry. I was just hoping against hopes……

right on train

yup! We got started! we were all like ‘jo hoga dekha jaega’! indeed a bit of fear was there! Specially I could see a hell lot of tension on DaD’s face…but no going back! One of our co-passenger looked very serious and indignant! I said everyone of our group -- he was a possible terrorist , only to discover he is a student of iit-guwahati! Oopss!!

Kamakkha kissa

Kamakkha mandir is on the top of kamakkha hill! The whole place was so nice…and the climbing up of the hill!..god! I missed it so much so long! Apart from the ambience and all, there were lot of monkeys!!! ( for the people who don’t know, I love monkeys! ) a small one was even trying to swing from end of the tail of another biggie! Choo—chweeet!

Another thing was the discipline and the maintenanc

e! Its like a hell-and-heaven difference, if compared with the kolkata kali-mandir!! I mean, kolkata learn from them yaar!

As we stood in the queue for ‘darshan’, I observed so

me needy children were given food-packets from the mandir! They settled themselves in an open-place, hovering over the food, gobbling them like anything! one of them did not have a packet…she sat at a distance, rubbing her hands with her head down! A small boy…may be some 3/4 yrs came up, hugged the girl…sharing his own packet with her! I was sooo much moved…I mean, man!these small kids make us feel so small sometimes!

Shillong sensation

Wow! I mean its really amazing that a hill-station can be so beautiful! Whichever way you look, the city is planned…neat-&-clean…with the mountains adding up to its beauty! It has mountains on all its side and yup..its real cold!

I enjoyed the cold! I would get almost numb even after washing hands! But mind you, I did bath all the days I was there…with me going ‘tiring-biring’ all th

e way!!! ^_^ It was soo fun!!

The best site in shillong was the Borapani Lake’!! it’s a huge lake with all its sides surrounded by mountains!!! I tell you, I can just stand there all day lo

ng, with no-one to talk with! That’s a big thing as far as I am concerned! But the lake, with the entire ambience..so peaceful and fresh, has a magic!!!

The Meghalaya – Girls…I have said nothing if I have not spoken about them! The meghalaya-girls are all about self-dependence…prominence…they are so activ

e..and are found working much more than the men there! you could find them in any kind of professions--- may that be as farmers, shop-keepers, house-keepers, traffic-police, petrol-pump-station employer…leave apart the other areas about which people have stopped lifting their eye-brows! I could not help remember the hype that was created in kolkata about women, being employed in petrol-pump-stations!! I mean! Boy, grow up!

Come out of the bull-shit mind-set! Women have gone far…its you who is left behind!!

And yes! Last but not the least! Did you know…s

hillong has no stupid cat meowing around!!!!...much to please me, I tell you!!

Cherra-punji charcha

This place was fabulous!!! I was simply in awe! The we

ather was total freaky…you could see the person next to you, all sunny while you yourself could be totally misty!! It was intriguing!!

There is a place called cherra-punji view-point…..it was mind-blowing! You could find yourself standing on the top of a peak and almost feel like touching all the the mountains of the range! The place was incredibly windy! I had to hold my hat and scarf tight to prevent it from blowing off with my hands going numb due to the cold wind!!!! It is lovely!!!!

But the best of all ( so far ) was the Mawsmai cave!!!!! Man!!! it was soo much fun!!! I had to jump…crawl…lie down…slip through narrow holes..and a hell lot of funny things to cross the cave!!!!..many didn’t do it..and went back from half-way! Even I was totally confused if I could do it…especially when I saw two rats fighting over a Lays-packet!!! But I got to do it..and di

d!!! I have never been to such an exciting place ever!! It was awesome!!!!!!!

On our way back to Shillong from Cherra-punji, we had a risky but adventurous journey! But again…what is life if there is no risk!! ( it’s a cool-sentence now..though it was the prayer-line that time :P ) It was almost 5’O clock…and total dark! Adding to that view was completely blocked by the clouds…the clouds floated down, touching the roads…you could almost feel them..it was amazing!!! But driving the car and that too in the mountain roads with the turnings and all, was really tough..even the head-lights couldn’t help much!! We were scared! But hats-off to the driver…he was so skilled and we were safe!!

Kaziranga venture

Kaziranga national forest…heritage of India!!!! It was a huge forest..44sq.Km( approx.)


d it had 850 Rhinos..!!.its different that we could see only 5 or 6 !! we also caught glimpses of some elephants…bysons…hog dear…monkeys( they are so jumpy..so cute!)….and we were shown their foot-steps along with that of tigers’...!! but what enchanted me the most was the jeep-ride!!!! And that too in a ‘roof-open jeepsey’ as they call it!!! It was hilarious…for the 2 hours of jeep-ride, I was standing…jumping…and making ( rather trying to make) animal-noises!! It was an experience!!!!

Back to Guwahati

Back to guwahati, we went round for the site-seeings…and the place I enjoyed most was the Umananda temple! Or to be specific the way to that temple!! It was a temple on the Brahmaputra-river..and we had to boat it down!! and you bet if I love boating in rivers!!!and Brahmaputra river was another ting to cherish! It was fab! Specially the fact that my Dad is a river-fobic…it was all the more fun..dictating and scolding him from time to time...!!! :P

Another thing I enjoyed was in Guwahati-zoo! The elephant……can you believe I literally saw one of the elephants dancing!!!!!!!!! He( or she…I’m not sure of its gender!) was chooooooo-chweeeeet!!! There were five of them…with two baby-elephants!!..i love them soo much!!..only bad thing …they were chained……not fair brother! >_<

Another thing I would love to mention is the people of Assam & Meghalaya!! They are so friendly, so helpful…and so well-behaved!! I couldn’t find a single person without a smile on their face!! I wonder…how this ‘Ulfa’ thing emerged from such smiling...compassionate people!!!!

Seriously, this Shillong-Guwahati-Cherrapunji-Kaziranga tour was outstanding!!! The only times I felt bad was when this sem’s exam papers came to my mind..it often pinched…I really couldn’t give my best…..but whatever….the magic and fun that we experienced negates all!!

Its not really possible to blog down every details but hope you got a picture( however it is) of these baultful areas…do rush to these places at the first opportunity you get…trust me you wont regret!!! ^_^


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