Puja tym!!!!...


 Durga puja is back again!! And man! I am feeling so bouncy!!!all dese puja-planning…shopping…lighting..they make me feel choooo much excited!!! I really wonder where 4m dis feelng comes!!..the atmosphere possibly…

 As I said..i am not a religious person…but d instant flavour of ‘being-together’…sharing smiles..and.. ‘straight-out-of-the-heart’ thing make me feel so much driven away!!

 Trust me! Even if I were a non-bong, I wud have been crazy about Bengal when it comes to puja and foods!!

 Talking about puja…the 1st place that comes to my mind is MADDOX! Maddox Rockzzz man!!..the ‘adda’ kind of atmosphere is truly alluring…and the events!!..so many of them…winning prizes..food packts…the mere quiz, ‘hit-once-game’…its all worth a shot!! And not 2 forget about the famous ‘dhuunuchhi nach’ and ‘dhak’!!!..Feet-tapping stuff it is…trust me!!!! :D

                     And foods! There are so many yummy things…Can I eat???...well,lemme tell u 1 secret…don’t ever offer me a treat at ur expense…coz I wont b able to hlp u, if u go bankrupt!!!! ..i love foods! And the enthu with which v bongs celebrate iz variety (especially during pujas) is total drooly!! :P


...just counting d daz now ..wsh d daz come and never go!!... I am darn excited!! Now don’t temme--- “puja comes every year..don’t freak”!!! I hate such kinda zombie stuff!! 

 I am all high now !!

 “dil kahta hai ki Tv tower pe chad jauuu…..chilla chilla k main ye sabse kahe du..

                       Rock On!!!..Iz Puja Tym Guyzz…….

 Join me at the top of the ‘Tv tower’….Cheers!!!!!    


saggi ^__^ said…
vo bout pujas...yup..i love pujas a lot too...it somethng wich cant be xpressed in words..words fall short....it can be felt in air...in evrythng,...wow....
Anonymous said…
wow its nice.....nice to share the feelings.....

overall its cool...
ma durga is knocking at our door...
so receive her........

have a rocking pujo.........
"manzil ko paa hi gaya...."
Solanki said…
yaay!!!!!!!! i love pujas toooooo....and this time in maddox..i will play d games tooo...heehee...wanna win something..

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